Monday 15 April 2013

April 9th, 1996

Another doctor came to take more blood this morning. He said (again) it was to check for everything; liver, kidney function etc etc. Id heard rehab strips you down to rebuild you but this is ridiculous (but cool in morbid kind of way.) I was wearing a dicki bow today too and this had the nurses saying I was "very posh". Well for a guy in hus mid twenties to be in a drying out clinic, I thought id better have some standards hehe. She asked if id finished the 'play' to the too. Play? "Its apoem" I corrected her. Dainty little thing. I like her. Lesley her name is. Blokes name. Hmm.
Went to another meeting. Angie told the group that she had been addicted to Temazempam for 11 years and I told her Id been using green eggs (slang for Temazepam) too. Paul, a very well spoken gentleman who has famous connections, asked "what are these eggs?"
"Sleeping pills shaped like eggs", Angie replied. "Green ones", I added. Paul is amusing (in a kind way.) He has a fairly high position within the church and clearly lives in a different world from Angies. Nice chap though.

12:30pm had a meeting with Dr Gaskell, one of the head psychiatrists in Britain. We've paid for the best afterall. Soft spoken, thankfully got on with him well as ive a month of this stuff to face.
Trish told me she can't wait to hear my life story later in group therapy. Im looking forward to it as well. Not in the slightest bit worried about speaking in front of large groups. I love attention. Angie also commentated that I looked smart. I would f**k her if only its against the rehabs rules, "no fraternizing with fellow patients." Bloody spoilsports!
In therapy I told the group the bottle became glued to my hand when I picked it up and John, a counsellor, said, "I love this bloke!" Went to relaxation afterwards where we were all taught how to chill out. Breathing techniques etc. The 'teacher' is gorgeous. Went to Angie's room later for a chat. She writes poetry too.

In the evening John, Trish, Alan and myself went to Alan's room for coffee. Got back to my room around 12:20am where I read some Thom Gunn.